Monday, 23 September 2013

Rain day

I was playing im kkyras  class  becos it wos raining


Me and Marley did good at the show. We did dancing and we had pictures.

My Shoes

I like my shoes because they are cool. They have a great pattern on the bottom.

The amazing show

 we                did   a  show. It was really fun. We danced to drip drop and singed. We sat nicely and sang our songs.

Thursday, 19 September 2013



I hope you are enjoying the blog. Please feel free to comment on the posts!
So a quick update as we move into the last week of term.
  • Our calendar art is done!! Please come and have a look -makes great Christmas pressies!
  • Don't panic about costumes for the show I have made them!! Please just dress your child in a blue t shirt if you have one. They get VERY hot under the lights!

  • Monday - Library day (+sushi $4.50)
  • Tuesday - Our Matinee :)
  • Wednesday - our first evening performance please sign them in at the class at 6pm and sign them out after
  • Thursday - our last evening performance please sign them in at the class at 6pm and sign them out after
  • Friday - Last day of term. We will finish at 2pm

I have had a fabulous term working with your amazing clever children and look forward to another fun filled learning term.

Naomi :)

Maths in room 10

Take away puzzles are tricky!
James can roll the dice and put the right
 number of fish in the bowl.
He is learning to write his numbers

Aila can write number sentences

Carlos can add two dice and put
the right number of fish in the bowl.
He can write his numbers to 10.

Jason is doing some adding by putting the
big number in his head and counting on!
WOW! He did it!

Abijah is learning his numbers to 20

Luke is using a 10 frame to
help him work out his tricky sums
YES!! He did it!

Wow he has taken the right
amount away


Jason uses his 10s frame

He takes 3 away

Awesome work!

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Our awesome Artwork

We drew houses first. Then we used a vivid pen to go over our pencil. When we had done that we used dye to add colour to our city scape. We had fun trying on safety gear and posing for Naomi to take our photos. We put all our work together to make a fantastic city scape showing how people can go to school with out using a car. You can see it in the hall!

Coming to school pictures

Having fun dressing up in safety gear and posing for our coming to school display! (and calendar art)

Some of our learning

Here are a few things we have been up to!
Learning to form our letters correctly.

James making sure his a's are the right way round

Aila's a has a flick

Jason is trying to remember to start at the top
Nicolas did as many as he could!
Aila, Amy and Claudia used magnetic letters to write a sentence about Kelly Tarltons
We saw some penguins and fish. It was fun and it was freezing!

The boys were learning to work cooperatively as they played this memory game.
Jason and Carlos taking turns

James, Marley, Carlos  and Jason learning together.

Monday, 9 September 2013

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Claudia the Clown

I like being a clown. It is fun. I have some love hearts on my cheeks.

Funny Clown

Sako is a funny clown. I can do funny tricks

Hadley the clown

I like b eing a clown.

Boo Boo the clown

I am a  clown. I look fane. I have  a  red nose.

(I am a clown. I look funny. I have a red nose.)

Jumping Jason Clown


(I like being a clown. I wore a clown hat. I pulled a funny face)

The Pengwins

We    went     to         the   icos         and          we    saw    pangwins.

   We     like   the    pangwins.  It   was  fun.

(We went to the ice and we saw penguins. We like the penguins. It was fun.)

Sunday, 1 September 2013

A few things to know

Here is a breif overview of our week

Monday: Library day & sushi order day ($4.50)
Tuesday: Singing practice for our performance & Sausage sizzle day ($1.50)
Wednesday: Kapa Haka

Jump Jam happens 3 times a week (weather permitting) Monday, Wednesday, & Friday
We have a slice of vege garden to look after (if you are keen to help us let me know!)
We are raindrops in our upcoming performance - any ideas for costumes or offers of help greatfully received!!