Saturday, 12 October 2013

Term 4!


Wow!!  Welcome to term 4!

What do a tiger, a budgie and a cow have in common?? They are all part of our learning this term!!

Our inquiry question for this term is:

What place do animals have in our world?
Much of our reading, writing, maths, art, ICT, and Maori will be based around this question where appropriate.
We have adopted Oz the Siberian tiger who lives at Auckland Zoo!
We will spend the first two weeks investigating tigers and the role of Zoos to protect and educate us about endangered species.

In weeks 3 and 4 we will have our very own class pet.. Pebbles the budgie! We will investigate pets, how to care for and look after our pets, their different needs and the variety of pets we have.

In week 5 we are visiting Ambury farm to see shearing, and milking as well as visiting a variety of farm animals to investigate farm animals and the important role they play in our world. Week 6 will continue this theme and will see room 10 making our own bread and butter!

Week 7 and 8 will be focussed on creating a range of products to sell at our Christmas festival.


A few things to remember:
  • sun hats - All children must have a sun hat by the end of week 1 to protect them from the sun. I will keep these at school and am happy to supply vivids etc. for the hats to be clearly named so they don't get lost!
  • calendar orders - Please put in your orders for calendars asap. Great as Christmas pressies for the grandparents, uncles aunties etc. Remember they don't stay young for long! Feel free to pop in to see their artwork before purchase and extra forms are in the office if you have misplaced yours.
  • Class help - If you have a free hour and would like to help there are always heaps of things to do in our class. Listening to a reading group, helping with writing, playing maths games, helping on our trip or cutting out resources (a great job to do in front of the TV!), all offers of help gratefully received. (due to the small size of our room, no pre-schoolers please).
  • Allergies - Please let me know if your child has any allergies so I can accommodate them as we will come into contact with animals and will be doing some baking. :)
keep checking the blog for updates... if you are like me and misplace newsletters, permissions slips etc the blog is a good place to check what's happening, what your child is doing (pics uploaded regularly) and please post your comments on the work, pics, etc as the kids love getting feedback!

So as you can see, we are going to have a fantastic fun filled learning term! I will keep you updated with any other events that come up.
Any questions, please see me.

Looking forward to sharing the learning adventure with you and your children.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Naomi, its always great to know what is going on in the class room, fills in a few of the gaps in our conversations at home.
